Therapy for teens

Because navigating the teenage years is more complicated than ever

Therapy for teens

Because navigating the teenage years is more complicated than ever

We get it: being a teenager is hard. The teen years are also challenging for parents attempting to help their children deal with high levels of stress, academic challenges, or body image issues.

The reality is that an unhappy and unfulfilled teenager will eventually become an unhappy and unfulfilled adult. By allowing a teenager the space to address their issues, we help them to cope healthily and experience happy, successful lives. Remember: teens are whole people who deserve to be treated emotionally, psychologically, physically, and spiritually.

Helping teens overcome challenges through therapy

When it comes to mental and emotional challenges, the therapists at The Life Change Institute are adept at helping teenagers restore their health and wellness to unlock their greatest potential.

Our team of qualified professionals helps young people develop the skills and tools to prepare them for the challenges of modern life. We specialize in:

Teenage anxiety and depression

Anxiety and depression are two of the most common mental health issues our teens are facing today. According to the Pew Research Center, 13% of American teenagers reported a major depressive episode in 2017, as compared to just 8% reporting the same in 2007. As for anxiety, the National Institute of Mental Health reports that 31.9% of teens aged 13 through 18 have experienced an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives.

As with adults, these conditions can be highly debilitating. When left untreated, they can interfere with a teen’s ability to lead a normal life and even lead to serious problems such as substance abuse, self-harm, and suicide.

Bullying and peer pressure

Bullying and peer pressure are rampant in teenage life. And with the prevalence of social media, many young people find it impossible to get away from harsh criticisms and insults from their peers. states that 20% of American students aged 12 to 18 have been bullied.


Bullying can be extremely damaging, both physically and emotionally. It can lead to issues with low self-esteem and depression. Peer pressure is equally damaging, as teens who face pressure from their peers are more likely to engage in activities they typically wouldn’t take part in, such as risky behaviors or substance abuse.

Accordingly, our therapists arm teenagers with coping mechanisms that allow them to stay as happy, healthy, and safe as possible.

Academic stress and the pressure to succeed

In a demanding academic landscape, pressure to succeed can prove to be extremely damaging to a teenager’s psyche.

Those who feel pressure to perform well academically show higher rates of anxiety and stress than their counterparts. Their physical health suffers as well, with many experiencing problems such as sleep deprivation, headaches, and stomach aches. Further, struggling academically can cause teens to feel as though they aren’t good enough, which may lead to a negative outlook on life in their adult years.


Social Media Pressures

Social media is a great way for teens to stay connected with their friends, but it can also take a toll on mental health. In addition, many young people feel the need to compare themselves to their friends, which can lead to feelings of inadequacy. Alarmingly, the Mayo Clinic reports that teens who use social media for over three hours a day have a higher risk of mental health issues.


Even more worryingly, social media is a hotbed of bullying and harassment for users of all ages, especially teens: according to the Pew Research Center, 59% of teens in the US have been subject to abuse online. When a teen experiences online bullying, they develop stress, anxiety, and a sense of negative self-worth alongside a feeling of hopelessness.


Despite these statistics, the teenage years don’t have to be stressful and unfulfilling. After working with our kind and caring therapists, our young clients report improvement in self-esteem, goal setting, and hope for the future. They become equipped with tools to manage stress, combat body image issues, improve interpersonal communication, and feel more confident overall. For your convenience, our life and performance coaching services are available to clients nationwide via phone or Zoom meetings.

Please note: In case of an emergency, you can contact our on-call clinician at (505) 280-5860. If your teen is in immediate danger, please call 911.